論文 国際学会 国内学会 受賞 研究助成 メディア
- [08] Koshi Fujita, Chia-Wei Lin, Kingsley J. H. Wong, Mikio Kato, Tin-Yam Chan and Kaori Wakabayashi (in press) Collection of stomatopod larvae unveiled the existence of an undescribed genus in Lysiosquillidae around Japanese waters Marine Biodiversity.
- [07] Riku Ueda and Kaori Wakabayashi (2024) Impact of substrate particle size on the digging behavior of the juveniles of the smooth fan lobster Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850 (Decapoda: Pleocyemata: Scyllaridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 44, ruae060. PDF
- [06] Chiho Hidaka, Chien-Hui Yang and Kaori Wakabayashi (2022) Finding the missing puzzle piece of the nisto stage in the larval cycle of the slipper lobster Scyllarides squammosus: a molecular and morphological approach. Zoological Studies, 61, 73 (12 pages). PDF
- [05] Nguyen Hong Quan, Kenta Suzuki, Yasuyuki Nogata and Kaori Wakabayashi (2021) Impact of the acute ammonia toxicity of ammonia on phyllosoma Stage I of a slipper lobster, Ibacus novemdentatus and its recoverability from the ammonia exposure. Aquaculture Research, 52, 5452-5461.PDF
- [04] Akari Yoshimoto, Takeya Moritaki, Nobuhiro Saito and Kaori Wakabayashi (2020) A new species of Dendrogaster Knipowitsch, 1890 (Thecostraca: Ascothoracida: Dendrogasteridae) parasitic in the sea star Certonardoa semiregularis (Müller & Troschel, 1842) (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Japan. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 40, 795-807. PDF
- [03] Yoshiakira Iinuma, Shuhei Yamaguchi, Mikio Kato, Kazumitsu Nakaguchi, Susumu Ohtsuka and Kaori Wakabayashi (2020) Evolutionary modification of pereopods in phronimid amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea: Phronimidae) reflects host differences. The Biological Bulletin, 238, 167-179. PDF
- [02] Yuichi Mazda, Tsutomu Sasagawa, Yoshiakira Iinuma and Kaori Wakabayashi (2019) Maternal care and juvenile feeding in a hyperiid amphipod (Oxycephalus clausi Bovallius, 1887) in association with gelatinous zooplankton. Marine Biology Research, 15, 541-547. PDF
- [01] 若林香織, 杉浦宏樹, 飯沼誼朗 (2019) ゼラチン質動物プランクトンと共生する浮遊性甲殻類 ―十脚類幼生とクラゲノミ類での事例研究―. 海洋と生物, 41, 334-338.
国際学会 (下線は発表者)
- [08] Yota Ashida and Kaori Wakabayashi (2025) Evaluation of the natural diet of fan lobsters using molecular approaches. The 2nd Chonnam National University-Hiroshima University Bilateral International Symposium for Hydrosphere Sciences, Oral presentation. Yeosu, Korea.
- [07] Masayoshi Tsunoda and Kaori Wakabayashi (2025) Challenge in fan lobster aquaculture: from the seed to the marketable size. The 2nd Chonnam National University-Hiroshima University Bilateral International Symposium for Hydrosphere Sciences, Oral presentation. Yeosu, Korea.
- [06] Yi-Hung Hsiao, Kaori Wakabayashi, Chien-Hui Yang and Yen-Ju Pan (2025) Food preference for fan lobster larvae. The 2nd Chonnam National University-Hiroshima University Bilateral International Symposium for Hydrosphere Sciences, Oral presentation. Yeosu, Korea.
- [05] Mst Afia Sultana, Narumi Sawada and Kaori Wakabayashi (2025) Assessment of embryonic development for lobster hatchery. The 2nd Chonnam National University-Hiroshima University Bilateral International Symposium for Hydrosphere Sciences, Oral presentation. Yeosu, Korea.
- [04] Shibuki Hada and Kaori Wakabayashi (2023) Effects of low salinity on molting, growth, and survival of stage I larvae of Ibacus novemdentatus. 3rd International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Food Technology, e-Poster presentation. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Online.
- [03] Kenta Suzuki, Masayuki Yoshida and Kaori Wakabayashi (2023) Changes in phototactic responses to different light intensities in the early-stage larvae of the smooth fan lobster, Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850. 3rd International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Food Technology, e-Oral presentation. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Online. ★Best Oral Presentation Award
- [02] Akari Yoshimoto, Nobuhiro Saito, Takeya Moritaki and Kaori Wakabayashi (2019) Taxonomic reviews of the Japanese Dendrogaster species, with notes of two undescribed species. Open International Symposium: Reproductive Biology of Barnacles, Poster presentation. Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo.
- [01] Hiroki Sugiura, Yuji Tanaka and Kaori Wakabayashi (2018) Juvenile production of slipper lobsters feeding solely on jellyfish. The 4th Vietnam-Taiwan International Conference on Advanced Mariculture Technology, Oral presentation. Nha Trang University, Nha Trang.
国内学会 (下線は発表者)
- [13] 藤田幸士, 若林香織 (2024) シャコ類における幼生の形態型と系統学的位置の関係. 第62回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.函館市民会館/函館アリーナ,函館.
- [12] 若林香織, 芦田耀太 (2024) DNAメタバーコーディング法によるウチワエビ天然餌料の推定. 第62回日本甲殻類学会大会,口頭発表.函館市民会館/函館アリーナ,函館.
- [11] 宮地亮佑, 若林香織 (2023) タルマワシモドキの雄における形態的差異とその意義. 第61回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.東京海洋大学,東京.
- [10] 羽田飛騎, 若林香織 (2023) 低塩分条件がオオバウチワエビ幼生の脱皮、発育、生残に及ぼす影響. 第61回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.東京海洋大学,東京.
- [09] 鈴木健太, 若林香織 (2023) 異なる光量に対するオオバウチワエビ初期幼生の走光性. 日本プランクトン学会・日本ベントス学会合同大会2023,ポスター発表.北海道大学,函館.
- [08] 吉本明香里, 西田雄介,森滝丈也,齋藤暢宏,大塚攻,若林香織 (2023) アカヒトデシダムシとルソンヒトデシダムシの遺伝距離. 日本動物分類学会第58回大会,ポスター発表.豊橋市自然史博物館,愛知.
- [07] 上田 陸, 若林香織 (2022) オオバウチワエビ稚エビの潜砂行動. 第60回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.岡山大学,岡山.
- [06] 羽田飛騎, 若林香織 (2022) オオバウチワエビ孵化幼生の脱皮、成長、生残に及ぼす低塩分の影響. 第60回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.岡山大学,岡山.
- [05] グエン クアン ホン, 濱津芳弥, 内田博陽, 若林香織 (2019) Acute toxicity of ammonia to phyllosoma Stage I of a slipper lobster Galearctus kitanoviriosus (Harada, 1962). 第57回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.東京海洋大学,東京.
- [04] 鈴木健太, 岩崎貞治, 若林香織 (2019) オオバウチワエビ初期幼生の成長に伴う走光性の変化.第57回日本甲殻類学会大会,ポスター発表.東京海洋大学,東京.
- [03] 井上幹登, ハーム カンペン, 米田哲, 若林香織 (2019) 配合飼料を用いたムラサキウニの身入りと呈味の改善.平成31年度日本水産学会春季大会,ポスター発表.東京海洋大学,東京.
- [02] 飯沼誼朗, 大塚 攻, 中口和光, 山口修平, 若林香織 (2018) タルマワシ類の進化上における宿主転換とそれに伴う胸脚の形態変化. 第2回日本共生生物学会, 口頭発表. 神戸大学, 神戸.
- [01] 杉浦宏樹, 若林香織 (2018) 十脚目幼生とゼラチン質動物プランクトンの共生. 第14回日本刺胞・有櫛動物研究談話会,口頭発表. 京都大学瀬戸臨海実験所, 白浜.
- [01] Best Oral Presentation Award:
Kenta Suzuki, Masayuki Yoshida and Kaori Wakabayashi (2023) Changes in phototactic responses to different light intensities in the early-stage larvae of the smooth fan lobster, Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850. 3rd International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Food Technology, e-Oral presentation. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Online.